Albert Camus: A slave begins by demanding justice and ends by wanting to wear a crown.
Tired Emily: A slave beings by demanding justice and ends by wearing to want a crown.
Becca: He just walked up to me and said "I'm naughty!"
Thomas: No, I said you were naughty.
Me: Hmm... okay, Thomas, you are a saucy boy. Becca, you've been a naughty girl and must be punished. Meow.
"Whoa, Emily, that's the awesomest thing I've ever seen."
"You're a yummy goth!"
There was some funny conversation between me and James about gothicity (yep, I love the word) but I can't remember it. So make something up that's semi-worthy of the greatness that is us.
Just so everyone knows... I heart aardvark... but you all already knew that, I'm sure.