Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"I just keep waiting for him to pick up her hand and start sucking on her fingers."

"You are now Spemily."

"Let's try and Britishize it more."

"Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! It made be think of a product I saw at walmart yesterday. Its a filter mart pool wal!" Good old spam comments. I have to wonder, though, just what about me reminds people of filter mart pool wal?

--You have soiled my honour.
--You have broken my honor.
--You have no honour!
--You spell 'honor' like a Brit!

James: Weakling! She thwaps you and you change your song.
Me: Well, I thwap anyone and they change their song.
James: This is why you can't have a budgie.

Monday, August 29, 2005

"He looks like a flapper from the 20's.....only really ugly. It's like he has girl hair, but he doesn't look like a girl.... so he's like a girl only really really ugly. Ugly to the max."

"Have a fun game of catch?"

"I can see us living next door to one another in the old folks' home arguing about who has better grandkids."

And Thomas made some funny quote about sadness needing to die or something, but unfortunately I can't remember what it was, so here's a general shout-out to the amusingness of Thomas.
Here's a little song dedicated to all you xanga users.

I'm too emo for my shirt
Too emo for my shirt
So emo it hurts
And I'm too angsty for Milan
Too angsty for Milan
New York and Japan

No offense.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thomas: Sleep. You are able to. Cherish it.
Me: Hey, trying to do the empathy thing here.
Thomas: Fuck empathy. Sleep good. Sleep make happy. Sleep give peace.
Me: Heh. Well, put it like that...
Thomas: Fuck everything. Everything should sleep. Sleep is wonderful.

Note to Kelsey: You even continue to think about demonstrating anything to James and I'll be eviscerating you.

Note to Thomas: Little did they know, the Russians had their OWN version of the chair... the chairski! DUNNN DUNNN... DUN-DUN-DUN

Note to James: And who exactly are you implying to be the Butthead here?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Me: You know, if she dates again--
Thomas: If!?
Me: Heh. Yes. Right, she's going to be a nun.
Thomas: A TURKISH nun...

"What are they eating??"

"I've judged all of you." (I hear ALL THINGS.)

Me: What exactly does preclude aardvark mating rituals?
Thomas: Octupus...es...
Me: Octopi?
Thomas: Yep.
Me: Octopi preclude aardvark mating rituals.
Thomas: Yep.
Me: Cool.

Kelsey: Oh wait... HE IS!
Me: Oh, lovely. Now why don't you just give me loads of paper cuts and then pour lemon juice? Ooh, while you're at it, you could rub in some salt. And then could come the hydrochloric acid.
Kelsey: I prefer sulfuric.


"Heh heh heh heh heh. Penis."

Thursday, August 25, 2005

"Stars I shall find... they lead a goat onto the stage... stars I shall find... hey, what's going on? STARS I SHALL FIND!" they STAB it in the chest! Stab! Stab! Stars I shall fiiiind!"

Thomas: Humidity's underrated. I like it.
Me: You are a strange little man. And when I say strange, I mean completely off your rocker.
Thomas: Heh. And when I say off your rocker, I mean--
Both (unison): Your mom.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Will: Are those the hooker boots I wore last year?
Me: Nah, those were different ones.

Korey: He shoved my head against the wall!
Thomas: I was kissing you!
Me: Can this conversation get any more homoerotic??

(Personally, I blame the pants. Which I liked, don't get me wrong. But still.)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Just to issue a generic disclaimer: The "The Many Faces of Thomas 'Elizabeth' Bloom" post was not a shrine to Thomas' idiocy.

Even if he did at first use the word "idiocracy".

Yes, I am evil. Suck it up.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

"Let's get our Braveheart on!"

Thomas (mumbling): It's a war for love.
Me: It's a what?
Thomas: A war for love.
Me: Ah. I thought you said a wuffaluff.
Thomas: Your mom's a wuffaluff.

"Don't underestimate the power of the dyke side..."

"Whatever, Deepguy McForehead."

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Many Faces of Thomas "Elizabeth" Bloom

Thomas the Kindergarten Pimp: So there was this room upstairs, called the bonus room--
Me: The bone room?
Thomas the Kindergarten Pimp: The bonus room. And it was filled with many toys.
Me: Ah, a bone room filled with toys.
Thomas the Kindgergarten Pimp: B-O-N-U-S!!! Anyway, we kissed and she wanted to go downstairs and show my parents. So that was Savannah. Then Mary moved in next door to Savannah.
Me: Did the neighborhood, huh? You little man-whore.

Thomas the Fool: This isn't my credit card... is that a problem?
Random_Girl: Just sign. I don't know who you are.

Thomas the Wuss: I'm just a bit afraid of being alone. In a park. In the middle of the night.
Me: Me and Haire were alone in this park in the middle of the night quite a few times.
Thomas the Wuss: That's Haire... he was tall and muscle-y and... intimidating looking... I hear howling! Can we go back to the caaaaar?

In other news, I'll be killed by several different people if I recount the conversation I'd like to, but let's just say the other face of Thomas is the Thomas the Not-So-Vanilla-As-I'd-Thought. Hee.

Friday, August 19, 2005

QOTDs: (week, really)

"It's the axe effect."

"Hey, Emily... got root... beer?"

Scared Girl on Screen: Please...
David: "...help me to blink!"

"____ looks so good naked, though. Honestly, he has a great body."

"I'm afraid of the penis."

Monday, August 15, 2005

"Blood and Guts 2" was entertaining, though with a combination of running Rightguard! commentary ("only this time use Rightguard!") and bad memories provoked by various shots taken in Ryan's place (you know what I'm talking about... and if you don't, good), it made for interesting viewing. Beau Smith did a good acting job, as usual (particularly being able to writhe on the floor and manage to not make it look orgasmic); Shane Collins managed to be covered in blood and still look hot; Ryan was marvelous in his part of the worst friend ever. Jeez, what a whining lazy bitch. Not to mention the reanimation of his dead hand. ^.^

I'd post QOTDs, but there were way, way too many funny ones to even remotely begin to try and remember. One thing that vaguely sticks out is Thomas being proud of how I seemed to be using smaller words of late, followed by David trying to remember the word "sesquipedalophile" and it coming out as "sesbwelmforlophilialobe".

While watching Seinfeld back at Thomas and David's, we saw a clip in which Elaine rips George's toupee off, yells "I DON'T LIKE THIS THING!" and throws it out the window. Thomas said "God, Emily, I swear that's you." And I said "We should live across the hall from each other one day." To which he replied with a growl, "Are you saying I'm going to be bald? I think that's what you're saying..." So I countered, "No, you'll just have a bald girlfriend."

Or boyfriend. Whatever.

After all, he did come out of the closet tonight.

(I know I said I wouldn't make a comment, but I didn't promise...)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

So, I found the text of the poem that song (see comments from previous post) is, so YAY! Here they are, in their... early English weird glory. Only imagine it with weird NYARK! EERK! sounds mixed in.

Of a rose singe we,
Misterium mirabile.

This rose is red of colour bright,
Thro whom our joye gan alight
Upon a Christesmasse night,
Claro David germine.

Of this rose was Christy-bore,
To save mankind that was forlore,
And us alle from sinnes sore,
Prophetarum carmine.

This rose, of flowres she is flower;
She ne will fade for no shower;
To sinful men she sent succour,
Mira plenitudine.

This rose is so fair of hue;
In maid Mary that is so true
Y-borne was Lord of virtue,
Salvator sine crimine.

Friday, August 12, 2005

"Sure, it sounded fine to us standing up there, but to the audience it sounded something like... Nyahhh! Nyark! Nyaaaaaargh!"

"So, how is everyone? Inbred?"

"How about As Arda Turns? The Ancient and Restless? Or Yeni of our Lives? Passions could be Warm Feelings Towards Your Life-Mate." (Mia on elf soap operas)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"Let me be your shelter... NOT WHEN YOU'RE TIED TO A WALL!"

"You bought lots of... flowers?"

Monday, August 08, 2005

So, here we are, the emergency posting of late-night hilarity. Earlier Bick sent me a link. Someone decided to infiltrate cybersex operations and freak the peoples there out, with amusing results. Especially if one is short on sleep. I'll post the best bits here, if you don't want to bother reading through most of it. (Adam, if you read this, don't click the link. Which means you probably definitely will now. But I'll feel like less of a bad older cousin for saying it.) And now, my favorite parts. All the rest is here.

DirtyKate:So you're bringing the pizza to my house now? Cause I'm home alone... and I think I'll take a shower...
Bloodninja:Good. It will take about fifteen minutes to cook, and then I'll drive to your house.
DirtyKate:I'm almost finished with my shower... Hurry up!
Bloodninja:You can't hurry good pizza.
Bloodninja:I'm on my way now though

J-Dogg: We are like two dancers, for whom the music never stops. I Kiss the top of your hand. You are taken aback by the bulge that forms in your thigh.
Partner8: Is that like cancer?
J-Dogg: If cancer is our love, then I hope you don't have the technology of chemotherapy.

Jdogg: I need a sandwich.
QT-Pie: You're a freak.
Jdogg: I was great. You loved it.

Boy: Ok. I need your help getting excited though.
Boy: Are you willing?
Girl: What do you need me to do?
Boy: I need you talk like a pirate.
Girl: ???
Boy: When I start to go limp... you say "HARRRR!!!"
Boy: uh oh ...going limp.
Girl: Har
Boy: You gotta do better than that!
Boy: Your picture was really bad.
Boy: going limp
Girl: this is stupid
Boy: ...still limp
Boy: Do it!
Boy: ...going limp again.
Boy: Hello?
Boy: Say it!
"Work it, baby! DANGLE that participle!"

Sep: It totally was a date. My last date ended exactly the same way. Someone threw a wad of cash at someone else, the words, 'You're beneath me' were uttered, and one of us was left crying alone in an alley.
Ace: You've got to be kidding me.
Sep: Actually I am. My last date ended with me threatening my beau with a spork.

And, of course, a serious contestant for QOTY: "SNAPE!"

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Spike/Wall = greatest ship of all time.

Yeah, I'm a screaming spoon-worshipping fangirl. So sue me.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Me and Thomas saw Wedding Crashers, which was very funny. He got me a $2 laser saber (seriously), which prompts me to post the following (very) belated QOTD, from way back when we were seeing SW3 --

Thomas: What if George Lucas called it something other than a lightsaber? Like... a laser saber?
Me: We'd probably be sitting here wondering what it'd be like if he called it a lightsaber instead of a laser saber.

So that was funny. Then I found out that Kels and Thomas were into the bondage fun [insert whipping sound/hand action here].

"Thomas saw girl parts."

Thursday, August 04, 2005

So, I'm back. Officially. I feel like kissing my monitor. I realize now fully how much I take it for granted.

I've got that weird sensation from flying/train riding/etc too long where I'm dizzy. It's bizarre.

Me: So, as you can see, I'm back.
David: Wow, the exact opposite of Robert Novak on CNN!