James: I've never liked weddings. There's a lot of standing around and all your old age relatives come up and pinch your cheeks and say 'You'll be next!' I prefer funerals, I get to do the same thing in revenge.
James: I've never liked weddings. There's a lot of standing around and all your old age relatives come up and pinch your cheeks and say 'You'll be next!' I prefer funerals, I get to do the same thing in revenge.

Bet you had some good times in Levora...
Love you too.
see thomas for her to blow you shed have to have something to blow...oh thomas burn
alright im done
p.s. Emily I miss you!! get better. :(
Awww, I miss you too.
Did you shrink my bra or have my boobs somehow grown in the last three weeks?
Theyve grown........Im not saying I know this from fact. Im just saying, theyve grown. Its the only logical, self-esteem boosting answer.
Em cant go to voice lessons tomorrow, sorry hope you and Spencer can still go
See you tomorrow morning dear
your boobs have grown ;)
and i know that for a fact. ;p
Im not gay..im just very flirtous
Kels: Thanks for the flattery, babe!
Becca: I'll see you later. In my room. Mwah.
Thomas: Kelsey's very proud of your penis, too. *ducks*
"and i do have a penis and im proud of it. so there."
Of course you do. *pats T on the head*
P.S. "Its the only logical, self-esteem boosting answer."
That's bitchin.
Oh great, eventually that phrase is going to be so overused that it make me want to commit suicide, isn't it?
No, because once other people start using it, I'll have to kill them. So, I'm the only one going to be using it. Feel free to commit suicide though. :P
Oh, and it was SOOO hot in Bick's room last night.
What was the line? Something like "Justin kept me up all last night... it was so hot in my room" ?
"Oh Justin, it was so hot in my room last night... and it's all your fault!"
"Oh Justin, it was so hot in my room last night... and it's all your fault!"
Well, it was true! Woo..it's getting hot in here again...
*reaches over to Bick*
Now, where'd I put that giant nose...
Bick... http://www.jinx.com/scripts/details.asp?affid=-1&productID=522
Slip a pair of these on. ;P
That's bitchin.
One word: Sick
Two words:
That's bitchin.
So Em are you going tomorrow to All-State?
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