Sunday, August 14, 2005

So, I found the text of the poem that song (see comments from previous post) is, so YAY! Here they are, in their... early English weird glory. Only imagine it with weird NYARK! EERK! sounds mixed in.

Of a rose singe we,
Misterium mirabile.

This rose is red of colour bright,
Thro whom our joye gan alight
Upon a Christesmasse night,
Claro David germine.

Of this rose was Christy-bore,
To save mankind that was forlore,
And us alle from sinnes sore,
Prophetarum carmine.

This rose, of flowres she is flower;
She ne will fade for no shower;
To sinful men she sent succour,
Mira plenitudine.

This rose is so fair of hue;
In maid Mary that is so true
Y-borne was Lord of virtue,
Salvator sine crimine.


Blogger Adam said...


4:34 PM, August 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly.....who puts that in a Christmas show?? OK, to be PC, a Holiday Show". But either was like lulling a kid in with candy and then shooting him in the face with a bazooka......thats how painful I would imagine it would sound in the context of the other songs
Why do we do such weird songs??
"They had to find the little town, they had to find the little town, it was not easy to be found"
"They dont know what they do"......obviously
OK Ive succeeded in humiliating myself for the day, so Im going to go...give myself a swirly or something

5:08 PM, August 14, 2005  

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