Wow, look at the number of months under the Archives. That's crazy. That might be just about the longest I've ever stuck with any one thing. ^.^ Although I do find it amusing that there's something every month since January 2004... except February 2006. Heh.

I think the fact that my "estrogen field" was repeatedly blamed for making Phil miss badminton shots and the various sexist jokes continually and relentlessly launched in my direction for the next few days all merit a collective QOTD status.

I'd have to say that "estrogen field", along with the phrase "jumping the couch" (meaning a celebrity's sudden drop from public favor à la Tom Cruise, referencing "jumping the shark"), are my favorite new terms.

Pondering: So, if Tom Cruise is male, which I'm assuming he is as opposed to some androgynous alien being, should "à la" be replaced with "au" before his name? Of course, no one who reads this (or used to, since I stopped updating regularly -- if anyone's reading this out there, leave me a comment?) speaks French, unfortunately, so I shall explain: "la" would be used to precede feminine words, "le" is used to precede masculine words. There is no such phrase as "à le", it's replaced with "au".

I'm sure you can tell how late it is by my diction: when it gets late I either get ridiculous and somewhat pompous, or I just start swearing a lot more. Given that I saw Pulp Fiction (awesome, by the way) for the first time earlier today, I'm very surprised it isn't the latter. Oh well.

Aaaanyway. With a cessation of the random linguistic ramblings, I bid you all to bronze happily in summer sun and be merry. Except for any geeks out there. Keep up with the pale; bathe in your whitish-bluish monitor glow. I adore you all. Hope you enjoyed the few more Cleolinda Icons. Wheeeee!