Friday, December 29, 2006


That's right... and here they are, in semi-chronological order by month. Since I didn't update nearly as much this year, I included a few of my favorite funny links/icons, but I really don't think anyone cares. I do hope you'll enjoy them. And, you know, that someone, somewhere, will read them. Whee!

Becca: Yeah, after he kissed me, I went into the back and cried.
Me: He was that bad??

Me: So yeah, you and Becca versus me and James... it seems to be a judgement call, could really go either way.
Thomas: You go either way.
Me: ...good one.
Thomas: Can it be a quote of the year???? For... 2006...?
Me (now): Sure, why not.

Beth: birna bcniklel

Justin: Okay, so women can be on their backs--
Jacob: On their fronts--
Justin: On top--
Thomas: Or in the kitchen!

Guy in NYC: Hey, little mama.

Gwyneth Paltrow: I'm really superstitious, like, before I make any movie, I, uh, kill a hobo with a hammer.

Thomas: If you think about it, he really slept with his mother and his daughter... simultaneously.

Beth: Butterworth - 1. Birna - owned.

Certain Facebook member (who shall remain nameless): Fuck Democrats! Wooh!

Kill Bill Vol. 2: Uma Thurman lies sobbing on the bathroom floor of her hotel room.
Either Ryan or David or Bicknell (I can't honestly remember): Ohhh goooodddd, there's no kitchen in this hotel room! What am I going to do???

James: No, currency's completely null and void after there's a new one crowned. All has to be reminted.
Me: Wow, your monarchs are really megaman-- megaloniac-- egotistical.
James: Megalomaniacal?
Me: My goodness, that's a mouthful of syllables.

My team's excuses for why I was hitting the badminton shots and they weren't:
Phil: Emily's estrogen field threw me off.
Jon: I think it was the estrogen field... go back to the kitchen, Emily!

Me: I cut you, bitch!
I'd like to point out that to this day, if I say that, James goes into fits of hysterics.

[I hand Thomas a toffee]
Thomas: I thank you. I am not of many words, but I thank you. I'm the One.

David: Do what tastes right. Do a unicorn.

Me: Stop! You're going to hit the plant!
[Thomas gives me a look]
Me: Well, you would have if you hadn't turned just then.
Thomas: Yes, yes, you're right, and right now, if I don't turn, I will hit that wall. In fact, we're pointing east... so, if I don't turn, eventually we will also hit the Atlantic Ocean.

Me: Thomas!!! She just said Riley was her favorite character!!
Thomas: Oh, BLOW ME.

Me: Wow, did the weather guy just say it was raining in the Iraqi Mountains?
Thomas: ...yes, Emily, the Iraqi Mountains.
Me: OH! The Rocky Mountains...!
Thomas: Q-O-T-fucking-D.

Kelsey: Hy-Vee's like a cheap whore, it'll give anyone a job.

Becca: Hey, Emily, the other day I checked your dad out!

Chick on Veronica Mars: Umm, she was MY friend, not yours.
Me: This burden is soooo heavy...
Peter: We must cast her into the fires of Mount Doom!
Both: Aaaaaaah!

Keanu Reeves: My ignorance has offended you.

"You just had sex with a wolf monkey!"

Peter: You see, this is like the chicken and the egg.

Becca/Me: Don't do it again, Becca! Don't do it again!

Me: So, he says there's a chance he may have to go back to an orphanage for a while...
Thomas: Wait, the fuck-me-in-the-ass orphanage?

Adam: Eeeeeaaahahhaha!

Me: Ahh, the toilet... if only they knew it was right there next to them...
Adam (inserting windows): Ohhh, they'll know.

Aunt Geneva: So what did you two do last night?
Me/Adam: We watched a family dieeee...
Did I mention I totally miss Adam?

Sarah: Do my nostrils turn you on, Thomas?
[proceeds to flare]


"Hold me, Wu!"


And now, the Quote of the Year...
"You can't go that way!!!!"

Friday, December 15, 2006

[Me and Thomas discuss something serious]
Becca: I pee in the sink.


Phil: See? I even burn myself now.
Me: Wow... Phil's getting emo.

Word of the Week:
jawkpra: awkward jazz/opera fusion. See also: "jiiiingulll bellllls"

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

QOTDs: (or months, to be more accurate)

Creepy guy: You can't go that way. Bad things happen to those who stray off the path.
Thomas: You can't go that way. You need the yellow key. I think I saw Marco carrying it in the village. Go back to the village and get the yellow key to proceed.

The Mother: Gaaaarrrryyyy!

"You just had sex with a wolf monkey!"

Keanu Reeves: My ignorance has offended you.

Thomas: And I'd be screaming "The lettuce is coming! The lettuce is coming!" And you'd be like "Yes, and...?"

Peter: You see, this is like the chicken and the egg.
Me: Oh god, not the chicken and the egg again.
Peter: What? It's my conceit! I'm going to make it a year-long conceit. I'll call up the Guiness World Book of Records and say "hey, I've had this conceit going for about a year now..."
Me: Damn, that's some stamina.
Peter: Enkidu's got nothing on this.
Me: You know... if I was less tired... I'd make a joke involving "conceit" as meaning your arrogance, your comparison, and your sexual stamina, but honestly, not even my loquacity's up to it at the moment.

Ryan: I want to share it with Bick... damn, he's not on.
Me: Silly Ryan, Bicks are for kids.

Becca/Me: Don't do it again, Becca! Don't do it again!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

So that everyone can see what Rishi and I have been talking about... the infamous quote comes at 5:22 but I beg you all to watch the whole thing because it's indescribable.

Monday, August 21, 2006

In honor of tomorrow's release of the House Season 2 DVDs, I present two very compelling arguments as to why it's completely amazing:

Saturday, August 19, 2006

A video speaks a thousand words.