Jacob's sketch of Rishi pushing his merry self off a cliff onto me and Thomas as we recite or paraphrase lines from Othello ("he's going to lie ON us!" is a play on words with Othello's speech in which he wonders whether they're lying with or lying on Desdemona). This never fails to make me giggle, if you get the context and stuff, which I'm sure you don't. But maybe you'll enjoy our cartoon representations according to Jacob (I like the craziness of my hair).

Me and Thomas go psychotic again.
I know I'll get attacked for this, but... hehe.
Emily: no offense, but that picture adds like 10 pounds.
How can I attack it when I don't even understand WTF you're talking about? which picture? huh?
Top one. And since it'll take you a while otherwise, it's the fact that you're represented by a stick figure. Adds 10 lbs? Get it?
So you're saying I'm skinnier than a stick figure?
is the other one some kind of insane frog demon from hell?
Nah, if it was from hell they'd have bigger teeth.
Ah, good point. I can't belive I didn't catch that.
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