Tuesday, July 26, 2005

And a standalone-worthy QOTD:
"I hate life....I guess I'll just have to shove a lit firecracker up my ass....."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that Thomas?? Cuz I can see him trying that....I mean, its doubley good for him...he dies, and in the process gets some quality ass action...hot ass action at that

8:49 AM, July 27, 2005  
Blogger EEK said...

Wrong Bloom... it was David, but in response to this one article thing... I was going to link to it, it's really something, but I thought it was actually funnier out of context. That quote right there made me choke on water and not stop laughing for quite some time.

10:38 AM, July 27, 2005  
Blogger EEK said...

The quote was something like:
In 1955, J. Random Guy, "feeling depressed", shoved a six-inch paper tube into his rectum, then inserted a lit firecracker. His mood changed real quick.

10:40 AM, July 27, 2005  

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