"In the evening-- TECHNO RAVE."
"Care after old ggg"
Me: Don't know if I ever want to have kids.
Jacob: Heh, I can just imagine you as a mother.
Me: Yeah, I can see me as a mother, too... talking to my two year old, "How many times do I have to tell you? DON'T SPLIT YOUR INFINITIVES."
Jacob: And the sad part is... I can really see that.
"I'm naked under my clothes."
Me (examining fuzzy black handcuffs): Hehehe, these make me happy.
Becca: Yeah, I used them on Thomas.
[I stare]
Becca: Not in a sexual way!
"I'll have a sign on me saying "I'm honored to accept your unwanted stomach rejects'."
"In the evening-- TECHNO RAVE."
"Care after old ggg"
Me: Don't know if I ever want to have kids.
Jacob: Heh, I can just imagine you as a mother.
Me: Yeah, I can see me as a mother, too... talking to my two year old, "How many times do I have to tell you? DON'T SPLIT YOUR INFINITIVES."
Jacob: And the sad part is... I can really see that.
"I'm naked under my clothes."
Me (examining fuzzy black handcuffs): Hehehe, these make me happy.
Becca: Yeah, I used them on Thomas.
[I stare]
Becca: Not in a sexual way!
"I'll have a sign on me saying "I'm honored to accept your unwanted stomach rejects'."
What? I am naked under my clothes!
Ladies and gentlemen, Kelsey Wells, taking self esteem to a whole new level...
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